(ML) - Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love

ML 252

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252. XVI. THAT THE FIRST CAUSE OF LEGITIMATE SEPARATION IS A BLEMISH OF THE MIND, is because conjugial love is a conjunction of minds. Therefore, if the mind of the one departs from that of the other into what is diverse, the conjunction is dissolved and therewith love vanishes. As to what the blemishes are which make separation, this can be seen from a recital of them. For the most part, they are the following: Mania, frenzy, insanity, actual foolishness and idiocy, loss of memory, severe hysteria, extreme simplicity so that there is no perception of good and truth, the height of obstinacy in not conforming to what is just and equitable, the utmost pleasure in gabbling and in talking of nothing but insignificant and trivial matters, unbridled desire to divulge the secrets of the home, also to quarrel, strike blows, take revenge, do evil, steal, lie, deceive, blaspheme; neglect of the children, intemperance, luxury, excessive prodigality, drunkenness, uncleanness, lack of shame, addiction to magic and witchcraft, impiety, and many others. By legitimate causes are here meant, not judicial causes, but causes legitimate to the other partner; moreover, separation from the house is seldom decreed by a judge.


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