It is unnecessary here to adduce anything from the Arcana Coelestia, since the things concerning the resurrection and the life of man after death have been fully treated in the work on Heaven and Hell, where they may be seen under the following articles:
I. Every Man is a Spirit as to His Interiors (n. 432-444).
II. Of Man's Resuscitation from the Dead, and His Entrance into Eternal Life (n. 445-452).
III. After Death Man is in a Perfect Human Form (n. 453-460).
IV. After Death Man has every Sense, and all the Memory, Thought, and Affection, which He had in the World; and that He Leaves Nothing but His Terrestrial Body (n. 461-469).
V. Man after Death is Such as his Life had Been in the World (n. 470-484).
VI. The Delights of Everyone's Life are Turned into Corresponding Things (n. 485-490).
VII. Of Man's First State after Death (n. 491-498).
VIII. Of Man's Second State after Death (n. 499-511).
IX. Of Man's Third State after Death, which is a State of Instruction for Those that Come into Heaven (n. 512-520).
X. That Heaven and Hell are from the Human Race (311-317).
Concerning the Last Judgment, spoken of above at n. 226, see the work on The Last Judgment, and Babylon Destroyed, from the beginning to the end; where it is shown that the Last Judgment will not be attended with the destruction of the world.