14. The Lord is the Word. The Word in its inmost sense treats solely of the Lord, describing all the states of the glorification of His Human, that is, of its union with the Divine itself, and likewise all the states of the subjugation of the hells, and the reducing to order of all things therein, and in the heavens (n. 2249, 7014). Thus the inmost sense describes the Lord's whole life in the world, and thereby the Lord is continually present with the angels (n. 2523). Therefore the Lord alone is in the inmost part of the Word, and the Divinity and the holiness of the Word is from thence (n. 1873, 9357). The Lord's saying, that the Scripture was fulfilled concerning Him, signifies, that all things were fulfilled which are contained in the inmost sense (n. 7933).
The Word signifies the Divine truth (n. 4692, 5075, 9987). The Lord is the Word because He is the Divine truth (n. 2533). The Lord is the Word also because the Word is from Him, and treats of Him (n. 2859). And because it treats of the Lord alone in its inmost sense; thus the Lord Himself is therein (n. 1873, 9357). And because in each and all things of the Word there is a marriage of the Divine good and the Divine truth, which marriage is in the Lord alone (n. 3004, 3005, 3009, 4158, 5194, 5502, 6343, 7945, 8339, 9263, 9314). Divine truth is the only reality; and that in which it is, and which is from the Divine, is the only thing substantial (n. 5272, 6880, 7004, 8200). And because the Divine truth proceeding from the Lord as the sun in heaven is light there, and the Divine good is heat there; and inasmuch as all things in heaven derive their existence therefrom, as all things in the world derive their existence from light and heat, which are also in their own substances, and act by means thereof; and inasmuch as the natural world exists by means of heaven or the spiritual world; it is plain that all things which were created* were created from the Divine truth, thus from the Word, according to these words in John:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word, and by it all things were made that were made; and the Word was made flesh (John 1:1-3, 14; n. 2803, 2884, 5272, 7830).
Further particulars concerning the creation of all things from the Divine truth, consequently by the Lord, may be seen in the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 137); and more fully in the article concerning the Sun in Heaven, where it is shown that the Lord is that Sun, and that it is His Divine love (n. 116-125). And that the Divine truth is Light, and the Divine good is Heat, proceeding from that sun in heaven (n. 126-140).
The conjunction of the Lord with man is effected by the Word, by means of the internal sense (n. 10375). This conjunction is effected by each and all things of the Word, and herein the Word is more wonderful than all other writings (n. 10632-10634). Since the time of writing the Word, the Lord thereby speaks with men (n. 10290). For further particulars respecting the Conjunction of Heaven with man by means of the Word, see the work on Heaven and Hell (n. 303-310).
* The phrase "which were created" is omitted by the translator, but appears in the Latin.