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The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 222 222. To the above shall be added some particulars from the Arcana Coelestia (n. 9127): "He who knows nothing of the internal or spiritual sense of the Word, knows no other than that 'flesh and blood,' when they are mentioned in the Word, mean flesh and blood. But in the internal or spiritual sense, it does not treat of the life of the body, but of the life of man's soul, that is, of his spiri...§ion=222 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 262 262. Of the literal or external sense of the Word. The sense of the letter of the Word is according to appearances in the world (n. 589, 926, 1408, 2719, 2720, 1832, 1874, 2242, 2520, 2533). And is adapted to the capacity of the simple (n. 2533, 9048, 9063, 9086). The Word in its literal sense is natural (n. 8783). Because what is natural is the ultimate wherein spiritual and celestial...§ion=262 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 288 288. That the Divine and Human of the Lord is one Person, is from the faith received in the whole Christian world, which is to this effect: Although Christ is God and Man, still He is not two, but one Christ; yea, He is altogether one and a single Person; because as the body and the soul are one man, so also God and Man are one Christ. This is from the Athanasian creed.§ion=288 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 13 13. Of the sense of the letter, or the eternal sense of the Word. The sense of the letter of the Word is according to appearances in the world (n. 584, 926, 1719, 1720, 1832, 1874, 2242, 2520, 2533). And adapted to the conceptions of the simple (n. 2533, 9049, 9063, 9086). The Word, in the sense of the letter, is natural (n. 8783). Because what is natural is the ultimate, wherein spiritual and cel...§ion=13 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 15 15. Of those who are against the Word. Of those who despise, blaspheme, and profane the Word (n. 1878). Their quality in the other life (n. 1761, 9222). They relate to the viscous parts of the blood (n. 5719). How great the danger is from profaning the Word (n. 571-582). How hurtful it is, if principles of falsity, particularly those which favor self-love and the love of the world, are confirmed b...§ion=15 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 21 21. At the present day many think of the Lord no otherwise than as of a common man like themselves, because they think solely of His Human, and not at the same time of His Divine, when yet His Divine and His Human cannot be separated. For the Lord is God and Man, and God and Man in the Lord are not two, but one Person, yes, altogether one, just as soul and body are one man, according to the doctri...§ion=21 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 29 29. III. THE LORD MADE DIVINE HIS HUMAN FROM THE DIVINE THAT WAS IN HIMSELF, AND THUS BECAME ONE WITH THE FATHER. The Doctrine of the Church that is received in the whole Christian world is that Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and Man, who, although He is God and Man, yet He is not two, but one Christ; one, by the taking of the manhood into God; one altogether, by unity...§ion=29 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 55 55. THE DOCTRINE OF THE ATHANASIAN CREED AGREES WITH THE TRUTH, PROVIDED THAT BY A TRINITY OF PERSONS IS UNDERSTOOD A TRINITY OF PERSON, AND THAT THIS TRINITY IS IN THE LORD. The recognition by Christians of three Divine Persons, and thus as it were of three Gods, has arisen from there being in the Lord a Trine, one of which is called the Father, the second the Son, and the third the Holy Sp...§ion=55 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 58 58. That insofar as its verbal expressions are concerned, all things of this Creed are true, provided that instead of a Trinity of Persons there is understood a Trinity of Person, is evident from the same when rewritten in this form: Whosoever will be saved, it is necessary that he hold this Christian Faith; and the Christian Faith is, that we worship one God in Trinity, and Trinity in Unit...§ion=58 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 59 59. So far in the Creed as to the Trinity and Unity of God. The Creed then treats of the Lord's assumption of the Human in the world, called the Incarnation. Everything said in the Creed on this point also is true, provided we make a clear distinction between the human from the mother in which the Lord was when in a state of humiliation or emptying out [exinanitio] [see Isa. 52:12], as when He suf...§ion=59 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on the Lord 60 60. That in the Lord, God and Man (as is said in the Creed) are not two, but one Person, yea, altogether one, as soul and body are one, is clear from many things said by the Lord Himself, as that the Father and He are one; that all things of the Father are His, and all His the Father's; that He is in the Father, and the Father in Him; that all things are given into His hand; that He has all power;...§ion=60 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 7 7. The distinction between these degrees cannot be known unless correspondence is known. For these three degrees are altogether distinct from each other, like end, cause, and effect, or like prior, posterior, and postreme; yet they make one by correspondences, for the Natural corresponds to the Spiritual, and also to the Celestial. What correspondence is may be seen in Heaven and Hell, where the s...§ion=7 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 22 22. But when in process of time the representative things of the church, which were correspondences, were converted into things idolatrous and also into magic, then of the Lord's Divine Providence the knowledge of correspondences was gradually blotted out of remembrance, and among the Israelitish and Jewish people was altogether lost and annihilated. The worship of that nation did indeed consist e...§ion=22 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 79 79. In many places in the Prophets where the church is treated of, the understanding of the Word is treated of, and it is taught that there is no church except where the Word is rightly understood, and that such as is the understanding of the Word with those in the church, such is the church. In many places also in the Prophets the church with the Israelitish and Jewish nation is described as bein...§ion=79 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 8 8. II. THE STATE OF THE WORLD AND OF THE CHURCH BEFORE THE LAST JUDGMENT, AND AFTER IT. That the Last Judgment has been accomplished in the spiritual world, may appear from what has just been said. Nevertheless, in order to know anything of the state of the world and the church before and after it, it is altogether necessary that the following things should be known: I. What is...§ion=8 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 73 73. X. THE AFRICANS AND THE GENTILES IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. The Gentiles who know nothing concerning the Lord, appear around those who know of Him; so that no others make the extreme circumferences but those who are altogether idolatrous, and have adored the sun and moon. But they who acknowledge one God, and make precepts like those of the Decalogue a part of religion and of life, are seen in a...§ion=73 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 90 90. Since angels are spiritual they can live in no other than spiritual heat and light, while men can live in no other than natural heat and light; for what is spiritual accords with what is spiritual, and what is natural with what is natural. If an angel were to derive the least particle from natural heat and light he would perish; for it is totally discordant with his life. As to the interiors o...§ion=90 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 96 96. That spiritual light is altogether distinct from natural light, any one may know if he observes the thoughts of his mind. For when the mind thinks, it sees its objects in light, and they who think spiritually see truths, and this at midnight just as well as in the daytime. For this reason light is predicated of the understanding, and the understanding is said to see; thus one sometimes declare...§ion=96 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 114 114. The Lord not only is in heaven, but also is heaven itself; for love and wisdom are what make the angel, and these two are the Lord's in the angels; from which it follows that the Lord is heaven. For angels are not angels from what is their own; what is their own is altogether like what is man's own, which is evil. An angel's own is such because all angels were once men, and this own clings to...§ion=114 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 157 157. THE SUN OF THE NATURAL WORLD IS PURE FIRE, CONSEQUENTLY DEAD; NATURE ALSO IS DEAD, BECAUSE IT DERIVES ITS ORIGIN FROM THAT SUN. Creation itself cannot be ascribed in the least to the sun of the natural world, but must be wholly ascribed to the sun of the spiritual world; because the sun of the natural world is altogether dead; but the sun of the spiritual world is living; for it is the...§ion=157
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