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A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 10675 10675. And I will enlarge thy border. That this signifies the multiplication and extension of truth from good, is evident from the signification of "enlarging the border," as being the multiplication and extension of truth from good (see n. 8063). That this is signified by "enlarging the border," is because insofar as evils and the falsities of evil are removed, so far the trut...§ion=10675 Heaven and Its Wonders and Hell - From Things Heard and Seen 573 573. Since infernal fire means every lust for doing evil that flows forth from the love of self, this fire means also such torment as exists in the hells. For the lust from that love is a lust for injuring others who do not honor, venerate and worship oneself; and in proportion to the anger thereby excited, and the hatred and revenge from that anger, is there a lust for venting one's rage upon the...§ion=573 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 56 56. Man has for an end that which he loves above all things; he regards it in each and all things. It is in his will like the latent current of a river, which draws and bears him away, even when he is doing something else; for it is this which animates him. It is such that one man explores and also sees it in another, and either leads him according to it, or acts with him. ...§ion=56 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 35 35. It has been shown in Doctrine of the Lord (n. 28) that the prophets of the Old Testament represented the Lord in respect to the Word, and thereby signified the doctrine of the church from the Word, and that for this reason they were called "sons of man." From this it follows that by means of the various things they suffered and endured, they represented the violence done by the Jews...§ion=35 Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 46 46. The faith of an evil man is an intellectual faith, in which there is nothing of good from the will. Thus it is a dead faith, which is like the breathing of the lungs without there being any life or soul in it from the heart. Moreover the understanding corresponds to the lungs, and the will to the heart. Such faith is also like a good-looking harlot dressed up in crimson and gold, but full of d...§ion=46 Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 57 57. As by means of this Law there is a conjunction of the Lord with man and of man with the Lord, it is called the "Covenant," and the "Testimony," the "Covenant" because it conjoins, and the "Testimony" because it bears witness, for a "covenant" signifies conjunction, and a "testimony" the attestation of it. For this reason there were tw...§ion=57 Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 87 87. IN PROPORTION AS ANY ONE SHUNS FALSE WITNESS OF EVERY KIND AS SIN, IN THE SAME PROPORTION HE LOVES THE TRUTH. To "bear false witness," in the natural sense, means not only to play the false witness, but also to lie, and to defame. In the spiritual sense, to "bear false witness" means to declare some false thing to be true or some evil thing good, and to persuade other...§ion=87 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 9 9. Blind faith survived later with many of the Reformed, because they had separated faith from charity, for they who separate these two must needs be in ignorance of truth, and they will give the name of faith to the mere thought that the thing is so, quite apart from any internal acknowledgment. With these also, ignorance is the safeguard of dogma, for so long as ignorance bears sway, together wi...§ion=9 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 31 31. Knowledges [cognitiones] of good and truth that precede faith appear to some to be things of faith (or real belief), but still are not so. Their thinking and saying that they believe is no proof that they do so, and neither are such knowledges things of faith, for they are matters of mere thought that the case is so, and not of any internal recognition that they are truths; and the faith or be...§ion=31 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 186 186. If man saw clearly the operations of the Divine Providence he would go contrary to God and also deny Him, because man is in the delight of self-love, and this delight constitutes his very life. Therefore, when he is kept in the delight of his life he is in his freedom, for freedom and that delight make one. If, therefore, he perceived that he is constantly being led away from his delight he w...§ion=186 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 332 332. I. THE OPERATION OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE FOR THE SALVATION OF MAN BEGINS AT HIS BIRTH AND CONTINUES RIGHT ON TO THE END OF HIS LIFE, AND AFTERWARDS TO ETERNITY. It was shown above that a heaven from the human race is the essential end of the creation of the universe, and that this end in its operation and progress is the Divine Providence for the salvation of men; and also that all things wh...§ion=332 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 0 0. Preface There are many who have labored in the explanation of the Apocalypse; but, as the spiritual sense of the Word had been hitherto unknown, they could not see the arcana which lie concealed therein, for the spiritual sense alone discloses these; on which account expositors have conjectured various things, and the most of them have applied the things that are therein to the sta...§ion=0 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 200 200. The beginning of the work of God, signifies the Word. That the Word is "the beginning of the work of God," is not yet known in the church, because they have not understood these words in John: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. All things were made by Him, and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was life, and...§ion=200 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 85 85. Since, therefore, the Lord God the Creator is Love Itself and Wisdom Itself, and the universe was created by Him, being thus as a work proceeding from Him, it must needs be that in each and every created thing there is something of good and truth from Him; for what is made by any one and proceeds from him, bears his likeness. Moreover, reason can see that such is the case, from the order in wh...§ion=85 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 193 193. VIII. THAT THE WOMAN IS FORMED INTO [THE MAN'S] WIFE ACTUALLY ACCORDING TO THE DESCRIPTION IN THE BOOK OF CREATION. It is said in that Book, that the woman was created out of the rib of the man, and that when she was brought to him, the man said, This is bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; and she shall be called Ishah (woman), because she was taken out of Ish (man). Gen. 2:22, 23.§ion=193 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 378 378. XIII. THAT THERE IS JEALOUSY ALSO WITH BEASTS AND BIRDS. That it exists with wild beasts, such as lions, tigers, bears, etc., when with their young, is well known; and also with bulls, even when there are no calves with them, and most conspicuously in cocks which fight with rivals for their hens, even to the death. The reason why these latter have such jealousy is because they are vaingloriou...§ion=378 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 392 392. V. THAT THIS SPHERE AFFECTS BOTH THE EVIL AND THE GOOD, AND DISPOSES EVERY ONE TO LOVE, PROTECT, AND SUPPORT HIS OFFSPRING FROM HIS OWN LOVE. It is the testimony of experience that the love of infants or storge is equally with the evil as with the good, and likewise with mild beasts and with savage; yea, that with evil men as with savage beasts it is sometimes stronger and more ardent. The re...§ion=392 A Brief Exposition of the Teachings for the New Church Meant by the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation 11 11. Concerning justification by faith. The general principles are these. (a) That by the Word and the sacraments the Holy Spirit is given, who effects faith when and where He pleases, in those who hear the Gospel. (b) That contrition, justification by faith, renovation, and good works, follow in order; that they are to be properly distinguished; and that contrition and good works contribute nothin...§ion=11 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 41 41. (4) Love and Wisdom in God make one. Every wise man in the church knows that every good of love and charity is from God, also every truth of wisdom and faith; and human reason is able to see this when it knows that the origin of love and wisdom is the sun of the spiritual world, in the midst of which is Jehovah God, or what is the same thing, that they are from Jehovah God through the sun whic...§ion=41 True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 106 106. These two states are represented by various things in the universe, and for the reason that they are in accordance with Divine order, and the Divine order fills all things and each thing in the universe, even to the utmost particular. In every man the first state is represented by his state of infancy and childhood until the time of puberty, youth, and early manhood, and this is a state of hu...§ion=106
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