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Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 304
304. VIII. THAT THIS IS THE CASE WITH THOSE WHO THINK OF MARRIAGES CHASTELY; NOT SO WITH THOSE WHO THINK OF THEM UNCHASTELY. With the chaste, being those who think about marriages from religion, the marriage of the spirit precedes, and that of the body follows. These are the ones spoken of above (no. 302), with whom the love ascends towards the soul and then descends from its height. Their souls s...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 305
305. IX. THAT DURING THE TIME OF BETROTHAL IT IS NOT LAWFUL TO BE CONJOINED CORPOREALLY, for thus the order which is inscribed on conjugial love perishes. In human minds there are three regions, the highest of which is called celestial, the middle spiritual, and the lowest natural. It is into this lowest region that man is born. He ascends into his higher region, which is called spiritual, by a li...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 318
318. I. THAT AFTER THE DEATH OF THE PARTNER, AGAIN TO CONTRACT MATRIMONY DEPENDS ON THE PRECEDING CONJUGIAL LOVE. Love truly conjugial is as a balance in which inclinations to repeated marriages are weighed. In the degree that the preceding conjugial love approaches that love, the inclination to marry again recedes; but in the degree that the preceding love recedes from it, the inclination to marr...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 370
370. The above illustrates the nature of the jealous fire into which polygamous conjugial love breaks out--a fire breaking out into anger and revenge, into anger in the case of the meek, and into revenge in the case of the fierce. This is because their love is natural and does not partake of what is spiritual. This follows from what was demonstrated in the chapter on Polygamy, namely, that polygam...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 375
375. Moreover, in certain regions there are families which labor under the sickness of jealousy more than others. By them Wives are imprisoned, tyrannically withheld from converse with men, shut off from the sight of them by windows provided with lattices stretching [from top] to bottom, and are terrified by threats of death if the husband find reason for the suspicion he nurses; besides other har...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 377
377. XII. THAT THERE IS JEALOUSY ALSO FOR MISTRESSES, BUT IT IS NOT OF THE SAME NATURE AS FOR WIVES. With man, jealousy for wives springs from inmosts, but jealousy for mistresses from outmosts. Therefore they differ in kind. That jealousy for wives springs from inmosts is because in inmosts resides conjugial love; and it resides there because, by reason of its eternal pact established by covenant...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 415
415. To the above I will add the following Memorable Relation: One morning when I awoke from sleep, and before being fully awake was meditating in the early and serene light, I saw through the window something like a flash of lightning, and presently I heard something like the rumbling of thunder. As I was wondering where this came from, I heard these words from heaven: "Not far from you are...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 425
425. II. THAT SCORTATORY LOVE IS THE OPPOSITE TO CONJUGIAL LOVE. There is nothing in the universe which has not its opposite; and opposites are not relative to each other but contrary. Relatives are things between the greatest and least of the same thing, While contraries lie over against them from the opposite side, being relatives with respect to each other just as are the former relatives; ther...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 433
433. That conjugial love makes man more and more a male, is also illustrated by what was adduced in the preceding part, on Conjugial Love and its Delights, as: I. That the ability and vigor called virile accompanies wisdom according as the latter is animated from the spiritual things of the Church; that it is then present in the conjugial love; and that wisdom opens the vein of that love from its...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 449
449. That the lust of fornication is not the lust of adultery is seen by every one from common perception. What law and what judge would charge a fornicator with the same crime as an adulterer? The reason why this is seen from common perception is because fornication is not opposed to conjugial love as adultery is. In fornication, conjugial love may lie hidden within, as the spiritual in the natur...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 453
453. VIII. THAT THE LUST OF FORNICATING IS GRIEVOUS SO FAR AS IT LOOKS TO ADULTERY. All those in the lust of fornication look to adultery who do not believe adulteries to be sins and think the same of marriages as of adulteries, with the sole distinction of lawful and unlawful. Such men make one evil out of all evils; they mingle them together, like filth with edible foods in one dish and offscour...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 456
456. XI. THAT CARE MUST BE TAKEN THAT CONJUGIAL LOVE BE NOT DESTROYED BY IMMODERATE AND INORDINATE FORNICATIONS. By immoderate and inordinate fornications whereby conjugial love is destroyed are meant fornications whereby not only the powers are enervated but all the delicacies of conjugial love are taken away; for from unbridled license in fornications arise not only weaknesses and consequent lac...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 472
472. IX. THAT WEIGHTY CAUSES ARE REAL WHEN BASED ON WHAT IS JUST. For the knowing of these causes, it suffices to recite some that are real, such as an absence of parental love and the consequent rejection of infants; intemperance, drunkenness, uncleanness, shamelessness; proneness to divulge the secrets of the home, to quarrel, strike blows, take revenge, do evil, steal, deceive; internal dissimi...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 474
474. X. THAT WEIGHTY CAUSES ARE UNREAL WHEN NOT BASED ON WHAT IS JUST, EVEN THOUGH ON AN APPEARANCE THERE OF. These are learned from the real weighty causes recounted above. If not rightly scrutinized, they may appear as just and yet are not just. Thus: Periods of abstinence requisite after childbirth; transitory illness of the wife; outflows of the prolific fluid whether from this cause or not; t...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 482
482. III. THAT DOUBLE ADULTERY IS THAT OF A HUSBAND WITH THE WIFE OF ANOTHER, OR THE REVERSE. It is called double adultery because committed by two, the marriage covenant being violated by both. It is therefore twofold more grievous than the former. It was said above (no. 480), that after the pact and covenant, the conjugial love of one man with one wife unites their souls; that this union is the...

Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 511
511. THE LUST OF VIOLATION By the lust of violation is not meant the lust of defloration. The latter lust is the violation of virginities, but not the violation of virgins when done without their consent;* but the lust of violation here treated of recedes in consequence of consent, and is sharpened by refusal. It is a burning desire to violate any woman, whether virgin, widow, or wife, who a...

A Brief Exposition of the Teachings for the New Church Meant by the New Jerusalem in the Book of Revelation 115
115. The Second Relation is this. An angel once said to me, "You wish to see clearly what faith and charity are, and thereby what faith is when separate from charity, and what it is when conjoined with charity; I will also demonstrate it to the eye." I replied, "Show it to me." And he said, "Instead of faith and charity, think of light and heat, and you will see clearly. F...

True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 29
29. (2) God is Infinite because He was before the world was, thus before spaces and times arose. In the natural world there are spaces and times; but in the spiritual world these exist only apparently, and not actually. Time and space were introduced into these worlds for the purpose of distinguishing one thing from another, the great from the small, the many from the few, thus quantity from quant...

True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 55
55. Who does not see that there cannot be found an empire, kingdom, dukedom, republic, state, or household, that is not established by laws which constitute its order and thus the form of its government? In each one of them the laws of justice are in the highest place, political laws in the second, and economical laws in the third; or in comparison with a man, the laws of justice constitute the he...

True Christian Religion: Containing the Whole Theology of the New Church Predicted by the Lord in Daniel 7:13-14 and Revelation 21:1-2 61
61. That from the things that are according to order God perceives, knows, and sees each and all things even to the most minute that take place contrary to order, is because He does not keep man in evil, but withholds him from evil; thus He does not lead him on, but strives with him. From this perpetual striving, struggling, resistance, repugnance, and reaction of evil and falsity against His good...

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