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The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 148
148. FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA. All freedom is of love or affection, for what a man loves, he does freely (n. 2870, 3158, 8987, 8990, 9585, 9591). As freedom is of love, it is the life of everyone (n. 2873). There is heavenly freedom and infernal freedom (n. 2870, 2873, 2874, 9589, 9590). Heavenly freedom is of the love of good and truth (n. 1947, 2870, 2872). And because the love of good an...

The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 200
200. The Lord combats for man in temptations. The Lord alone combats for man in temptations, and man does not combat at all from himself (n. 1692, 8172, 8175, 8176, 8273). Man cannot by any means combat against evils and falsities from himself, because that would be to fight against all the hells, which the Lord alone can subdue and conquer (n. 1692). The hells fight against man, and t...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 116
116. I have been permitted to see peoples who had been born in [remote] islands, who were rational in respect to civil matters, but had known nothing whatever about God. In the spiritual world such appear like apes, and their life is very similar to that of apes. But having been born men, and consequently being endowed with a capacity to receive spiritual life, they are instructed by angels and ar...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 15
15. That a man who is not spiritual can yet think rationally and speak from that thought, like a spiritual man, is because man's understanding can be uplifted into the light of heaven, which is truth, and can see from it; but his will cannot be in the same way uplifted into the heat of heaven, which is love, so as to act from that heat. It is for this reason that truth and love do not make a one i...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 44
44. It has been shown above (n. 27-28) that a man may know many things, may think them over, may understand them, and yet may not be wise. And as it is the province of faith to know and to think, and still more to understand, that a thing is true, a man may well believe that he has faith and yet not have it. The reason why he has it not, is that he is in evil of life, and evil of life and truth of...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 72
72. When a man is no longer in the evil of murder, but in the good of love toward the neighbor, whatever he does is a good of this love, and therefore it is a good work. A priest who is in this good does a good work whenever he teaches and leads, because he acts from the love of saving souls. A magistrate who is in this good does a good work whenever he delivers a decision or a judgment, because h...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 25
25. THE KNOWLEDGES [COGNITIONES] OF TRUTH AND OF GOOD ARE NOT MATTERS OF REAL BELIEF [FIDEI] UNTIL THE MAN IS IN CHARITY, BUT ARE THE STOREHOUSE OF MATERIAL OUT OF WHICH THE FAITH OF CHARITY CAN BE FORMED. From his earliest childhood man has the affection of knowing, which leads him to learn many things that will be of use to him, and many that will be of no use. While he is growing into man...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 29
29. Love together with wisdom in its very essence is in God. This no one can deny; for God loves every one from love in Himself, and leads every one from wisdom in Himself. The created universe, too, viewed in relation to its order, is so full of wisdom coming forth from love that all things in the aggregate may be said to be wisdom itself. For things limitless are in such order, successively and...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 130
130. Angels turn their faces constantly to the Lord as a sun, because they are in the Lord, and the Lord in them; and the Lord interiorly leads their affections and thoughts, and turns them constantly to Himself; consequently they cannot do otherwise than look towards the east where the Lord appears as a sun; from which it is evident that angels do not turn themselves to the Lord, but the Lord tur...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 145
145. In the spiritual world ways are seen, laid out like ways in the natural world; some leading to heaven, and some to hell; but the ways leading to hell are not visible to those going to heaven, nor are the ways leading to heaven visible to those going to hell. There are countless ways of this kind; for there are ways which lead to every society of heaven and to every society of hell. Each spiri...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 244
244. The same thing happens in the world. A man not altogether stupid, and who has not confirmed himself in falsities from the pride of self-intelligence, hearing others speak on some exalted matter, or reading something of the kind, if he is in any affection of knowing, understands these things and also retains them, and may afterwards confirm them. A bad man as well as a good man may do this. Ev...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 59
59. It has not been known hitherto that the Divine Providence in all its proceedings with man regards his eternal state. It can regard nothing else, because the Divine is Infinite and Eternal, and the Infinite and Eternal, that is, the Divine, is not in time, and hence all future things are present to Him; and because this is the nature of the Divine, it follows that the eternal is in all things t...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 60
60. IV. AN IMAGE OF THE INFINITE AND ETERNAL IS PRESENTED IN AN ANGELIC HEAVEN. Among the things of which it is necessary to have some knowledge is also the angelic heaven; for everyone who has any religion thinks about heaven and wishes to go there. Heaven, however, is granted to none but those who know the way to it and who walk therein. This way can in some measure be known from a knowledge of...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 96
96. VII. THE LORD PRESERVES THESE TWO FACULTIES IN MAN UNIMPAIRED AND AS SACRED IN EVERY STEP OF HIS DIVINE PROVIDENCE. This is because without these two faculties man would not have understanding and will and thus be would not be man; and because without these two faculties man could not have been conjoined to the Lord, and thus could not have been reformed and regenerated; and also because witho...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 110
110. With those, however, who are in heavenly love the internal and the external of thought, or the internal and the external man, act as one when they speak, nor do they know any difference between them. Their life's love with its affections of good and their perceptions of truth is like a soul in whatever they think, and consequently say and do. If they are priests they preach from love towards...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 130
130. I. NO ONE Is REFORMED BY MIRACLES AND SIGNS, BECAUSE THEY COMPEL. It was shown above that man has an internal and an external of thought, and that the Lord flows through the internal of thought with man into its external, and thus teaches and leads him; and also that it is of the Divine Providence of the Lord that man should act from freedom according to reason. All this would perish in man i...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 131
131. From these considerations it may be evident that faith induced by miracles is not faith but persuasion; for there is nothing rational in it, still less anything spiritual, as it is only external without an internal. It is the same with all that a man does from this persuasive faith, whether he acknowledges God, or worships Him at home or at church, or performs good deeds. When a miracle alone...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 163
163. How the Lord from the angelic heaven leads and teaches every man will be stated in a few words. In the treatise THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, and above in this treatise THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE, and also in the work HEAVEN AND HELL published in London in the year 1758, it has been made known from things seen and heard that the universal angelic heaven appears before the Lord as one man, and likewi...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 174
174. V. MAN IS LED AND TAUGHT BY THE LORD IN EXTERNALS TO ALL APPEARANCE AS OF HIMSELF. This takes place in man's externals but not in his internals. No one knows how the Lord leads and teaches man in his internals just as no one knows how the soul operates to cause the eye to see, the ear to hear, the tongue and mouth to speak, the heart to keep the blood in motion, the lungs to breathe, the stom...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 178
178. Man is not granted a knowledge of future events, also for the reason that he may be able to act from freedom according to reason; for it is well known that a man desires to have in effect whatever he loves, and he leads himself to this end by his reason. It is also known that everything a man meditates in his reason arises from the love of bringing it into effect by means of his thought. Ther...

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