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The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 129 129. FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA. A life of piety without a life of charity, is of no avail, but when united therewith aids (n. 8252, seq.). External sanctity without internal sanctity is not holy (n. 2190, 10177). Of the quality of those in another life, who have lived in external sanctity, and not from internal (n. 951, 952). There is an internal and external of the church (n. 109...§ion=129 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 140 140. Of Perception. Perception consists in seeing what is true and good by influx from the Lord (n. 202, 895, 7680, 9128). Perception is given only with those who are in the good of love from the Lord to the Lord (n. 202, 371, 1442, 5228). Perception is given with those in heaven who, whilst they lived in the world, brought the doctrinals of the church which are from the Word immediatel...§ion=140 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 227 227. The life of man after death is the life of his love and the life of his faith; hence such as his love and faith had been, when he lived in the world, such his life will remain to eternity. With those who loved themselves and the world above all things, it is the life of hell; and with those who had loved God above all things, and the neighbor as themselves, it is the life of heaven. The latte...§ion=227 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 255 255. FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA. Of the necessity and Excellence of the Word. From the light of nature, nothing is known concerning the Lord, concerning heaven and hell, concerning the life of man after death, and concerning the Divine truths by which man has spiritual and eternal life (n. 8944, 10318-10320). This may be manifest from this, that many, and among them the learned, d...§ion=255 The White Horse in Revelation Chapter 19; and the Word and Its Spiritual Sense (from Mysteries of Heaven) 6 6. THE WORD, AND ITS SPIRITUAL OR INTERNAL SENSE, FROM THE ARCANA COELESTIA. The necessity and excellence of the Word. From the light of nature nothing is known concerning the Lord, concerning heaven and hell, concerning the life of man after death, nor concerning the Divine truths by which man acquires spiritual and eternal life (n. 8944, 10318, 10319, 10320). This may appear manifest from...§ion=6 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 17 17. That the Lord when in the world spoke by correspondences, thus that He spoke spiritually while He spoke naturally, is evident from His parables, in each and every word of which there is a spiritual sense. Take for example the parable of the ten virgins: The kingdom of the heavens is like unto ten virgins, who took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom; five of them were...§ion=17 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 93 93. I have conversed with some in the spiritual world who had lived many ages ago, and had confirmed themselves in the falsities of their religion, and I found that they still remained steadfast in the same. I have also conversed there with some who had been of the same religion as they, and had thought as they did, but had not confirmed themselves in its falsities, and I found that after being in...§ion=93 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 5 5. I pass over paradoxes, similar to, and equally numerous with these, which the man who does not know that he is a man after death as before, must think concerning the destruction of the universe. But when he knows that a man after death is not an exhalation or a wind, but a spirit, and if he has lived well, an angel in heaven, and that spirits and angels are men in a perfect form, can then think...§ion=5 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 6 6. Put away from you the idea that the soul is like an exhalation, and then think of your own state, or of the state of your friends, or of the state of your infants after death. Will you not think that you will live a man, and they likewise? And since there is no life which is life without the senses, you cannot think otherwise than that they also see, hear, and speak; thus also panegyrists write...§ion=6 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 9 9. I. What is meant by "the former heaven" and "the former earth" which passed away, mentioned in the Apocalypse (21:1) "The former heaven" and "the former earth" there mentioned, does not mean the heaven visible to the eyes of men in the world, nor the earth which is inhabited by men; nor the former heaven, in which all those are who have lived well since t...§ion=9 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 16 16. I. Upon whom among the Reformed the Last Judgment was effected. The Last Judgment was effected upon those only of the Reformed, who in the world confessed God, read the Word, heard preaching, partook of the sacrament of the Supper, and did not neglect the solemnities of the worship of the church; and yet thought that adulteries, various kinds of theft, lying, revenge, hatred, and the li...§ion=16 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 18 18. All who lived like Christians in externals, and made no account of the Christian life, made one exteriorly with the heavens, but interiorly with the hells, and since they could not be torn away in a moment from their conjunction with heaven, they were detained in the world of spirits, which is midway between heaven and hell, and it was permitted them to form societies, and to live together as...§ion=18 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 26 26. Visitations also were made by angels; for before any ill conditioned society perishes, visitation always precedes. The angels exhorted them to desist, and denounced destruction upon them if they did not. Then they also sought out and separated any good spirits who were intermingled with them. But the multitude, excited by their leaders, reviled the angels, and rushed in upon them, for the purp...§ion=26 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 63 63. Because man from heredity is such, that he wishes to rule, and as the reins are loosened, successively over more, and at length over all, and because the wish to be invoked and worshiped as God, is the inmost of this love of ruling, therefore all who have been made saints by the Papal bulls, are removed from the sight of others and hidden, and are deprived of all interaction with their worship...§ion=63 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 429 429. But those who are in spiritual-natural love have neither wisdom nor intelligence inscribed on their life, but only something of faith out of the Word, so far as this has been conjoined with charity. Inasmuch as these do not know what charity is, or whether faith be truth, they cannot be among those in the heavens who are in wisdom and intelligence, but among those who are in knowledge only. Y...§ion=429 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 50 50. Since angels and spirits are affections of love and thoughts thence derived, they are consequently not in space and time, but only in the appearance of them. To them there is an appearance of space and time according to the states of their affections and of the thoughts arising from these. When anyone therefore thinks of another from affection, intently desiring to see him or to speak with him...§ion=50 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 158 158. With the angels, especially the angels of the third heaven, the same truth is established not only on rational grounds but also by actual perceptions. These angels perceive the influx of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom from the Lord; and because they perceive it, and from their wisdom know that Love and Wisdom are life, they say that they live from the Lord and not from themselves; and they not...§ion=158 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 210 210. VII. NONE OF THESE THINGS CAN BE EFFECTED UNLESS IT APPEARS TO MAN THAT HE THINKS FROM HIMSELF AND DISPOSES FROM HIMSELF. It has been fully demonstrated in the preceding pages that unless it appeared to man that he lived as from himself and thus that he thought and willed, spoke and acted as of himself he would not be man. From this it follows that if man as from his own prudence did not disp...§ion=210 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 224 224. Who cannot see that the external derives its existence from the internal and consequently has its essence from the internal? And everyone knows from experience that the external can appear otherwise than in accordance with the essence it has from the internal. For there is manifestly such an appearance with hypocrites, flatterers and dissemblers; and that a man can outwardly personate charact...§ion=224 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 227 227. These are the causes which give rise to such an enormity; but as they are in obscurity because of ignorance respecting them they must be so explained as to make them clear to the understanding. First: Whatever a man thinks, speaks and does from his will, whether good or evil, is appropriated to him, and remains. This was shown above (n. 78-81). For man has an external or natural me...§ion=227
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