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Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 120 120. The quarters in the spiritual world shall now be spoken of. There are quarters there in like manner as in the natural world, but like that world itself, they are spiritual; while the quarters in the natural world, like that world itself, are natural; the difference between them therefore is so great that they have nothing in common. In each world there are four quarters, which are called east...§ion=120 The New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Teaching - From Things Heard from Heaven: Preceded by a Discussion of the New Heaven and the New Earth 49 49. Of the light of heaven in which the spiritual man is. There is great light in the heavens (n. 1117, 1521, 1533, 1619-1632). The light in the heavens exceeds the meridian light on earth by many degrees (n. 1117, 1521, 4527, 5400, 8644). That light has been often seen by me (n. 1522, 4527, 7174). The light which the angels of the inmost or third heaven have is as the light from the sun, but the...§ion=49 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 156 156. XIV. THAT THE STATE OF MARRIAGE IS TO BE PREFERRED TO THE STATE OF CELIBACY is evident from what has thus far been said concerning marriage and celibacy. That the state of marriage is to be preferred is because this state exists from creation; because its origin is the marriage of good and truth; because its correspondence is with the marriage of the Lord and the Church; because the Church an...§ion=156