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Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 1
1. Doctrine of Holy Scripture THE HOLY SCRIPTURE OR WORD IS DIVINE TRUTH It is in everybody's mouth that the Word is from God, is Divinely inspired, and is therefore holy; and yet hitherto no one has known wherein it is Divine. For in the letter the Word appears like a common writing, in a style that is strange, and neither so sublime nor so brilliant as apparently are t...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 69
69. From all this it is evident that in the Word alone (through the fact that it is conjunction with the Lord and association with the angels) there is spirit and life, as the Lord teaches: The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit and they are life (John 6:63). The water that I shall give you shall be in you a fountain of water springing up into eternal life (John 4:1...

Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Sacred Scripture 116
116. I have been permitted to see peoples who had been born in [remote] islands, who were rational in respect to civil matters, but had known nothing whatever about God. In the spiritual world such appear like apes, and their life is very similar to that of apes. But having been born men, and consequently being endowed with a capacity to receive spiritual life, they are instructed by angels and ar...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 28
28. All that has been said thus far is taught by the Word in many places, of which only the following shall be presented. The Word teaches that no one can be in good and at the same time in evil, or what is the same, that no one can be (in respect to his soul) in heaven and at the same time in hell. This is taught in the following passages: No man can serve two masters, for either he will h...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 71
71. As this good and that evil are opposites, it follows that the latter is removed by means of the former. Two opposites cannot be together, even as heaven and hell cannot; if they were together there would be lukewarmness, of which it is said in Revelation: I know that thou art neither cold nor hot; I would thou wert cold or hot; but because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I...

Teachings about Life for the New Jerusalem: Drawn from the Ten Commandments 107
107. Unless there were reception by man, and at the same time a taking thought as it were by him, nothing could have been said about faith, for faith is not from man. Without this reception and reciprocality, man would be like chaff in the wind, and would stand as if lifeless, with mouth open, and hands hanging down, awaiting influx, devoid of thought and action in regard to the things that concer...

Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 4
4. When this is understood, then may the paradoxes be dissipated, which man would otherwise think concerning the state of souls after death, and their reunion with putrid corpses, and concerning the destruction of the created universe, thus concerning the Last Judgment. The paradoxes concerning the state of souls after death that he would think are these: That man would then be like an exhalation,...

Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 32
32. CONTINUATION CONCERNING THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. IV. THE SPIRITUAL WORLD. The spiritual world has been treated of in a special work on Heaven and Hell, in which many particulars of that world are described; and since every man enters that world after death, his state then is also described there. Who does not know that man will live after death, because he is born a m...

Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 33
33. There are many causes why man has not known of this state of his after death; one of which is, that he could not be enlightened, so little faith had he in the immortality of the soul; as may appear from many even of the learned, who believe that they are like beasts, only more perfect than they, in being able to speak; and therefore in their heart they deny the life after death, although they...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 18
18. That in God there are infinite things, any one may convince himself who believes that God is a Man; for, being a Man, He has a body and every thing pertaining to it, that is, a face, breast, abdomen, loins and feet; for without these He would not be a Man. And having these, He also has eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and tongue; also the parts within man, as the heart and lungs, and their dependencie...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 25
25. So would it be with the church scattered throughout the whole globe, which is called a communion, because it is as one body under one head. It is known that the head rules the body under it at will; for understanding and will have their seat in the head; and in conformity to the understanding and will the body is directed, even to the extent that the body is nothing but obedience. As the body...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 136
136. It is well known that the will and understanding rule the body at pleasure, for what the understanding thinks, the mouth speaks, and what the will wills, the body does. From this it is plain that the body is a form corresponding to the understanding and will. And because form also is predicated of understanding and will, it is plain that the form of the body corresponds to the form of the und...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 382
382. (4) The understanding corresponds to the lungs. This follows from what has been said of the correspondence of the will with the heart; for there are two things, will and understanding, which reign in the spiritual man, that is, in the mind, and there are two things, heart and lungs, which reign in the natural man, that is, in the body; and there is correspondence (as was said above) of all th...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 18
18. After death everyone must be either in good and at the same time in truth, or in evil and at the same time in falsity, because good and evil cannot be united; nor can good and at the same time the falsity of evil be united, nor evil and at the same time the truth of good; for these are opposites, and opposites fight each other until one destroys the other. Those who are in evil and at the same...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 88
88. Everyone who has any thought from interior understanding can see that the power to will and to understand is not from man, but is from Him who has Power itself, that is, Power in its essence. Only consider, what is the source of power? Is it not from Him who has it in its very potency, that is, who has it in Himself and thus from Himself? Power in itself, therefore, is Divine. Every power must...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 168
168. As few know anything about the enlightenment which affects the understanding of a man who is taught by the Lord, something will now be said about it. There is an interior and an exterior enlightenment from the Lord; and there is an interior and an exterior enlightenment from man. Interior enlightenment from the Lord consists in a man's perceiving at first hearing whether what is said is true...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 169
169. Such are the differences of enlightenment, and consequently of perception and thought. There is an actual enlightenment from spiritual light; but the enlightenment itself from that light does not appear to anyone in the natural world, because natural light has nothing in common with spiritual light. This enlightenment, however, has sometimes appeared to me in the spiritual world, being visibl...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 174
174. V. MAN IS LED AND TAUGHT BY THE LORD IN EXTERNALS TO ALL APPEARANCE AS OF HIMSELF. This takes place in man's externals but not in his internals. No one knows how the Lord leads and teaches man in his internals just as no one knows how the soul operates to cause the eye to see, the ear to hear, the tongue and mouth to speak, the heart to keep the blood in motion, the lungs to breathe, the stom...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 178
178. Man is not granted a knowledge of future events, also for the reason that he may be able to act from freedom according to reason; for it is well known that a man desires to have in effect whatever he loves, and he leads himself to this end by his reason. It is also known that everything a man meditates in his reason arises from the love of bringing it into effect by means of his thought. Ther...

Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 210
210. VII. NONE OF THESE THINGS CAN BE EFFECTED UNLESS IT APPEARS TO MAN THAT HE THINKS FROM HIMSELF AND DISPOSES FROM HIMSELF. It has been fully demonstrated in the preceding pages that unless it appeared to man that he lived as from himself and thus that he thought and willed, spoke and acted as of himself he would not be man. From this it follows that if man as from his own prudence did not disp...

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