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A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 1893 1893. Sarai, Abram's wife, did not bear unto him. That this signifies that the rational man was not yet, will be evident from what follows, where Isaac is treated of. For, as has been said, there are in every man an internal man, a rational man that is intermediate, and an external, which is properly called the natural man. With the Lord these were represented by Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; the int...§ion=1893 A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels 2558 2558. And she became my wife. That this signifies that spiritual truth was conjoined with the celestial by the mediumship of rationality, is evident from the representation of Sarah as Abraham's wife, as being spiritual truth conjoined with celestial good (see n. 2507); and from the representation of the same as his sister, as being rational truth (n. 2508). Hence that she became his wife, from be...§ion=2558 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 240 240. There are in man from the Lord two capacities whereby he is distinguished from beasts. One of these is the ability to understand what is true and what is good; this is called rationality, and is a capacity of his understanding. The other is an ability to do what is true and good; this is called freedom, and is a capacity of his will. For man by virtue of his rationality is able to think whate...§ion=240 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 259 259. It has been said that every man is born into that capacity, namely, rationality, but by this is meant every man whose externals have not been injured by some accident, either in the womb, or by some disease after birth, or by a wound inflicted on the head, or in consequence of some insane love bursting forth, and breaking down restraints. In such the rational cannot be elevated; for life, whi...§ion=259 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 264 264. THE ORIGIN OF EVIL IS FROM THE ABUSE OF THE CAPACITIES PROPER TO MAN, THAT ARE CALLED RATIONALITY AND FREEDOM. By rationality is meant the capacity to understand what is true and thereby what is false, also to understand what is good and thereby what is evil; and by freedom is meant the capacity to think, will and do these things freely. From what precedes it is evident, and it will bec...§ion=264 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 266 266. (1) A bad man, equally with a good man enjoys these two capacities. It was shown in the preceding chapter that the natural mind, as regards the understanding, can be elevated even to the light in which angels of the third heaven are, and can see truths, acknowledge them, and then give expression to them. From this it is plain that since the natural mind can be elevated, a bad man equally with...§ion=266 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 267 267. (2) A bad man abuses these capacities to confirm evils and falsities, but a good man uses them to confirm goods and truths. From the intellectual capacity called rationality, and from the voluntary capacity called freedom, man derives the ability to confirm whatever he wishes; for the natural man is able to raise his understanding into higher light to any extent he desires; but one who is in...§ion=267 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 15 15. Good may be separated from truth and truth from good, and when separated may still appear to be good and truth; because man has the faculty to act that is called liberty, and the faculty to understand that is called rationality. It is by the abuse of these powers that a man can appear in externals to be different from what he is in internals; and consequently that a bad man can do what is good...§ion=15 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 72 72. But as few know that this can be a law of the Divine Providence, chiefly because man has thus freedom also to think evil and falsity, although the Divine Providence is continually leading man to think and to will what is good and true, therefore, that this may be clearly perceived it will be set forth distinctly step by step in the following order: I. Man has reason and freedom, or...§ion=72 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 85 85.* Man is reformed and regenerated by means of these two faculties, called rationality and liberty, and he cannot be reformed and regenerated without them; because it is by means of rationality that he can understand and know what is evil and what is good, and it is by means of liberty that he can will what he understands and knows. As long, however, as delight from the love of evil rules he can...§ion=85 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 87 87. V. BY MEANS OF THESE TWO FACULTIES MAN CAN BE SO FAR REFORMED AND REGENERATED AS HE CAN BE LED BY MEANS OF THEM TO ACKNOWLEDGE THAT EVERYTHING TRUE AND GOOD THAT HE THINKS AND DOES IS FROM THE LORD, AND NOT FROM HIMSELF. It has just been stated above what reformation and regeneration are, and also that man is reformed and regenerated by means of the two faculties, rationality and liberty; and...§ion=87 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 123 123. VII. IT IS THE CONTINUAL ENDEAVOUR OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE OF THE LORD TO UNITE MAN TO HIMSELF AND HIMSELF TO MAN IN ORDER THAT HE MAY BE ABLE TO BESTOW UPON MAN THE FELICITIES OF ETERNAL LIFER AND THIS CAN BE DONE ONLY SO FAR AS EVILS WITH THEIR LUSTS ARE REMOVED. It has been shown above (n. 27-45), that it is the continual endeavour of the Divine Providence of the Lord to unite man to Hims...§ion=123 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 129 129. 3. IT IS A LAW OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE THAT MAN SHOULD NOT BE COMPELLED BY EXTERNAL MEANS TO THINK AND WILL, AND THUS TO BELIEVE AND LOVE, THE THINGS OF RELIGION, BUT SHOULD PERSUADE AND AT TIMES COMPEL HIMSELF TO DO SO. This law of the Divine Providence follows from the two preceding which are, that man should act from freedom according to reason (n. 71-99); and that he should do this...§ion=129 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 138 138. IV. NO ONE IS REFORMED IN STATES THAT ARE NOT OF RATIONALITY AND LIBERTY. It was shown above that nothing is appropriated to man except what he does from freedom according to reason. This is because freedom belongs to the will and reason to the understanding; and when man acts from freedom according to reason he acts from the will by means of his understanding; and that which is done when the...§ion=138 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 139 139. No one is reformed in a state of fear, because fear takes away freedom and reason, or liberty and rationality; for love opens the interiors of the mind but fear closes them; and when they are closed man has but few thoughts, and then only those which present themselves to his mind (animus) or to his senses. Such is the nature of all fears that invade the mind (animus). [2] It was shown above...§ion=139 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 168 168. As few know anything about the enlightenment which affects the understanding of a man who is taught by the Lord, something will now be said about it. There is an interior and an exterior enlightenment from the Lord; and there is an interior and an exterior enlightenment from man. Interior enlightenment from the Lord consists in a man's perceiving at first hearing whether what is said is true...§ion=168 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 204 204. V. HEAVEN AND HELL ARE IN SUCH A FORM. It was made known that heaven is in the human form in the work HEAVEN AND HELL, published in London in 1758 (n. 59-102) also in the treatise THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM; and also in several parts of this treatise. I therefore refrain from giving further proof. It is stated that hell also is in the human form; but it is in a monstrous human form, like that...§ion=204 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 222 222. I. A MAN MAY BE ADMITTED INTO THE WISDOM OF SPIRITUAL THINGS, AND ALSO INTO THE LOVE OF THEM, AND YET NOT BE REFORMED. This is because man has rationality and liberty; and by rationality he may be raised up into wisdom almost angelic, and by liberty into love not unlike angelic love; and yet the wisdom is of the same quality as the love. If the love is celestial and spiritual the wisdom also...§ion=222 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 285 285. THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE IS EQUALLY WITH THE WICKED AND WITH THE GOOD In every man, whether good or evil, there are two faculties, one of which constitutes the understanding, and the other the will. The faculty which constitutes the understanding is the ability to understand and to think, and is therefore called rationality. The faculty which constitutes the will is the ability to do these...§ion=285 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 311 311. From this description of one's own prudence, and of those who are in it, may be seen what is the nature of prudence that is not one's own, and what is the nature of those who are in it; namely, that prudence not one's own is the prudence with those who do not confirm in themselves the idea that intelligence and wisdom are from man, but who say, How can one be wise from himself, and how can on...§ion=311
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