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Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 55 55. THOSE WHO ARE IN FAITH SEPARATED FROM CHARITY ARE MEANT BY THE DRAGON IN THE REVELATION It has been said above that in course of time every church falls away into two general religious principles that are evil, one springing from the love of rule, and the other from the conceit of self-intelligence, and that in the Word the former is meant and described by "Babylon," and the la...§ion=55 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 56 56. That the religious principle of faith separated from charity is meant and described in the Revelation by the dragon and his two beasts has not only been told me from heaven, but has also been shown me in the World of Spirits, which lies beneath heaven. Those in this separated faith, when assembled together, I have seen appearing like a great dragon with a tail outstretched toward the sky; and...§ion=56 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 60 60. The next chapter (Rev. 13) treats of the dragon's two beasts, the first seen coming up out of the sea, in verses 1-10, and the other one out of the earth, in verses 11-18. That these are the dragon's beasts is evident from verses 2, 4, and 11. The first beast signifies faith separated from charity in respect to confirmations of it from the natural man. The other beast signifies faith separated...§ion=60 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 61 61. THOSE WHO ARE IN FAITH SEPARATED FROM CHARITY ARE MEANT BY THE "GOATS" IN DANIEL AND IN MATTHEW. That the "he-goat" in Dan. 8, and the "goats" in Matt. 25 mean those in faith separated from charity, is evident from the fact that they stand contrasted with the "ram" and the "sheep," by which are meant those who are in charity. For in the W...§ion=61 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 64 64. ii. That those in faith separated from charity are meant in the Word by "goats," shown from the Last Judgment and the character of those upon whom it was executed. The Last Judgment was executed upon no others than those who in externals had been moral, but in internals had not been spiritual, or but little spiritual. As to those who had been evil in both externals and internals, the...§ion=64 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 68 68. iv. That those in faith separated from charity are meant by "goats," shown from the neglect of charity by those of whom mention is made in Matthew. That the "goats" and "sheep" in Matt. 25:31-46 mean the very same persons as those meant by the "he-goat" and "ram" in Dan. 8 is evident from the fact that works of charity are recounted to the shee...§ion=68 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 69 69. FAITH SEPARATED FROM CHARITY DESTROYS THE CHURCH AND ALL THINGS THAT BELONG TO IT. Faith separated from charity is no faith, because charity is the life of faith: its soul, and its essence. And where there is no faith because no charity, precisely there there is no church. And therefore the Lord says: When the Son of man cometh shall He find faith on the earth? (Luke 18:8). ...§ion=69 Teachings for the New Jerusalem on Faith 70 70. At times I have heard the goats and the sheep holding a colloquy as to whether those who have confirmed themselves in faith separated from charity possess any truth; and as they said that they possessed a great deal, the matter in dispute was submitted to an examination. They were then questioned as to whether they knew what love is, what charity is, and what good is; and as these were the thi...§ion=70 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 26 26. Visitations also were made by angels; for before any ill conditioned society perishes, visitation always precedes. The angels exhorted them to desist, and denounced destruction upon them if they did not. Then they also sought out and separated any good spirits who were intermingled with them. But the multitude, excited by their leaders, reviled the angels, and rushed in upon them, for the purp...§ion=26 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 167 167. THE END OF CREATION HAS FORM [existat] IN OUTMOSTS, WHICH END IS THAT ALL THINGS MAY RETURN TO THE CREATOR AND THAT THERE MAY BE CONJUNCTION. In the first place, something shall be said about ends. There are three things that follow in order, called first end, middle end, and last end; they are also called end, cause, and effect. These three must be together in every thing, that it may...§ion=167 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 216 216. It is according to angelic wisdom that unless the will and understanding, that is, affection and thought, as well as charity and faith, clothe and wrap themselves in works or deeds, whenever possible, they are only like something airy which passes away, or like phantoms in air which perish; and that they first become permanent in man and a part of his life, when he practices and does them. Th...§ion=216 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 417 417. Now as love corresponds to the heart, and the understanding to the lungs, the foregoing statements may be corroborated by their correspondence; as, for instance, how the understanding can be elevated above its own love even into wisdom; and how, if that love is merely natural, the understanding is drawn down by it from that elevation. Man has a twofold respiration; one of the body, the other...§ion=417 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 424 424. (19) Love, when defiled in the understanding and by it, becomes natural, sensual, and corporeal. Natural love separated from spiritual love is the opposite of spiritual love; because natural love is love of self and of the world, and spiritual love is love to the Lord and love to the neighbor; and love of self and the world looks downward and outward, and love to the Lord looks upward and inw...§ion=424 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 14 14. VI. THE GOOD OF LOVE NOT UNITED TO THE TRUTH OF WISDOM IS NOT GOOD IN ITSELF, BUT ONLY APPARENT GOOD AND THE TRUTH OF WISDOM NOT UNITED TO THE GOOD OF LOVE IS NOT TRUTH IN ITSELF, BUT ONLY APPARENT TRUTH. It is true that there does not exist any good which is good in itself unless it is united to its own truth, nor any truth which is truth in itself unless it is united to its own good. Neverth...§ion=14 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 15 15. Good may be separated from truth and truth from good, and when separated may still appear to be good and truth; because man has the faculty to act that is called liberty, and the faculty to understand that is called rationality. It is by the abuse of these powers that a man can appear in externals to be different from what he is in internals; and consequently that a bad man can do what is good...§ion=15 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 164 164. However, as this is a truth (arcanum) of angelic wisdom it cannot be comprehended by man unless his spiritual mind has been opened; for such a man, by virtue of his conjunction with the Lord, is an angel. Such a man may comprehend the following from what has already been stated: 1. All, men and angels alike, are in the Lord and the Lord is in them according to their conjunction wit...§ion=164 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 218 218. III. TEMPORAL AND ETERNAL THINGS ARE SEPARATED BY MAN, BUT ARE CONJOINED BY THE LORD. This is so because all things pertaining to man are temporal, and from these man may be called temporal; while all things pertaining to the Lord are eternal, and from these the Lord is called Eternal. Moreover, temporal things are those which have an end and perish, but eternal things are those which have no...§ion=218 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 231 231. Since by profanation of what is holy is meant profanation by those who have a knowledge of the truths of faith and the goods of charity from the Word, and who, moreover, in some measure acknowledge them, and not by those who are ignorant of them, nor by those who impiously reject them utterly, therefore what follows is not said of the latter but of the former. There are many kinds of profanat...§ion=231 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 233 233. In order, therefore, that this interior truth (arcanum) of the Divine Providence may be so revealed that the rational man may see it in his own light, the points that have just been presented shall be explained one by one. First: Evil and good cannot exist together in man's interiors, and consequently neither can the falsity of evil and the truth of good. By man's interiors is meant the inter...§ion=233 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 296 296. In order, therefore, that the Divine Providence with the wicked may be clearly seen and thus understood, the propositions stated above now fall to be explained in the order in which they were presented. First: There are innumerable things in every evil. In man's sight every evil appears as one single thing. This is the case with hatred and revenge, theft and fraud, adultery and who...§ion=296
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