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Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 389 389. That man may be man there must be no part lacking, either in head or in body, that has existence in the complete man; since there is nothing therein that does not enter into the human form and constitute it; for it is the form of love and wisdom, and this, in itself considered, is Divine. In it are all terminations of love and wisdom, which in God-Man are infinite, but in His image, that is,...§ion=389 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 394 394. FROM THE CORRESPONDENCE OF THE HEART WITH THE WILL AND OF THE LUNGS WITH THE UNDERSTANDING, EVERYTHING MAY BE KNOWN THAT CAN BE KNOWN ABOUT THE WILL AND UNDERSTANDING, OR ABOUT LOVE AND WISDOM, THEREFORE ABOUT THE SOUL OF MAN. Many in the learned world have wearied themselves with inquiries respecting the soul; but as they knew nothing of the spiritual world, or of man's state after dea...§ion=394 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 408 408. (10) Love or the will introduces wisdom or the understanding into all things of its house. By the house of love or the will is meant the whole man as to all things of his mind; and as these correspond to all things of the body (as shown above), by the house is meant also the whole man as to all things of his body, called members, organs, and viscera. That the lungs are introduced into all the...§ion=408 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 424 424. (19) Love, when defiled in the understanding and by it, becomes natural, sensual, and corporeal. Natural love separated from spiritual love is the opposite of spiritual love; because natural love is love of self and of the world, and spiritual love is love to the Lord and love to the neighbor; and love of self and the world looks downward and outward, and love to the Lord looks upward and inw...§ion=424 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 7 7. IV. IT IS OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE THAT EVERY CREATED THING, BOTH AS A WHOLE AND IN PART, SHOULD BE SUCH A ONE; AND IF IT IS NOT, THAT IT SHOULD BE MADE SO. This means that in every created thing there should be something from the Divine Love and at the same time from the Divine Wisdom; or, what is the same, that in every created thing there should be good and truth, that is, a union of good an...§ion=7 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 27 27. THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE OF THE LORD HAS FOR ITS END A HEAVEN FROM THE HUMAN RACE By long-continued intercourse with angels and spirits it has been made known to me and proved that heaven is not from any angels created such from the beginning, and that hell is not from any devil created an angel of light and cast down from heaven, but that both heaven and hell are from the human race - heav...§ion=27 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 29 29. All conjunction in the spiritual world is effected by means of looking (inspectio). When anyone there is thinking of another from a desire to speak with him, the other immediately becomes present, and they see each other face to face. It is the same when anyone is thinking of another from an affection of love; but this affection brings about conjunction, while the other produces presence only....§ion=29 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 44 44. The more distinctly a man appears to himself to be master of himself the more clearly he perceives that he is the Lord's, because the more nearly he is conjoined to the Lord the wiser he becomes, as was shown above (n. 34-36): this wisdom teaches and also perceives. The angels of the third heaven, because they are the wisest of the angels, also perceive this; and, moreover, they call it freedo...§ion=44 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 75 75. It is otherwise with man: he has not only the affection of natural love but also the affection of spiritual love and the affection of celestial love. For the human mind is of three degrees, as was shown in Part Three of the treatise THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM. Consequently, a man can be raised up from natural knowledge into spiritual understanding and thence into celestial wisdom; and from the...§ion=75 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 123 123. VII. IT IS THE CONTINUAL ENDEAVOUR OF THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE OF THE LORD TO UNITE MAN TO HIMSELF AND HIMSELF TO MAN IN ORDER THAT HE MAY BE ABLE TO BESTOW UPON MAN THE FELICITIES OF ETERNAL LIFER AND THIS CAN BE DONE ONLY SO FAR AS EVILS WITH THEIR LUSTS ARE REMOVED. It has been shown above (n. 27-45), that it is the continual endeavour of the Divine Providence of the Lord to unite man to Hims...§ion=123 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 170 170. In addition to these kinds of enlightenment there is another, by which it is revealed to man in what faith, and in what intelligence and wisdom he is; and the revelation is such that he himself perceives it in his own case. He is admitted into a society where there is genuine faith and where there are true intelligence and wisdom; and there his interior rationality is opened, and from this he...§ion=170 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 191 191. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MAN'S OWN PRUDENCE. IT ONLY APPEARS THAT THERE IS, AND THERE OUGHT TO BE THIS APPEARANCE; BUT THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE IS UNIVERSAL BECAUSE IT IS IN THINGS MOST INDIVIDUAL That there is no such thing as man's own prudence is quite contrary to the appearance, and therefore contrary to the belief of many. Because this is so, no one who from the appearance holds the...§ion=191 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 197 197. II. THE AFFECTIONS OF A MAN'S LIFE'S LOVE ARE KNOWN TO THE LORD ALONE. Man knows his thoughts and consequent intentions because he sees them in himself; and as all prudence is from these, he sees that also in himself. If, then, his life's love is the love of sell, he comes into the pride of his own intelligence and ascribes prudence to himself, collecting arguments in favour of it and so rece...§ion=197 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 221 221. MAN IS ADMITTED INTERIORLY INTO THE TRUTHS OF FAITH AND INTO THE GOODS OF CHARITY ONLY SO FAR AS HE CAN BE KEPT IN THEM RIGHT ON TO THE END OF HIS LIFE It is well known in the Christian world that the Lord wills the salvation of all, and also that He is Almighty. Therefore many conclude from this that He is able to save everyone, and that He saves those who implore His mercy; especially...§ion=221 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 308 308. CHAPTER XI THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE APPROPRIATES NEITHER EVIL NOR GOOD TO ANYONE; BUT ONE'S OWN PRUDENCE APPROPRIATES BOTH NEARLY everyone believes that man thinks and wills from himself and consequently speaks and acts from himself. Who from himself can suppose otherwise, since the appearance of it is so strong that it does not differ at all from actually thinking, willing, s...§ion=308 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 338 338. III. INSTANTANEOUS SALVATION FROM IMMEDIATE MERCY IS IMPOSSIBLE. In what has gone before it was shown that the operation of the Divine Providence for the salvation of man begins at his birth and continues right on to the end of his life, and afterwards to eternity; also that this operation is continually effected through means out of pure mercy. Hence it follows that neither instantaneous sal...§ion=338 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 3 3. Which God gave unto Him to show unto His servants, signifies for those who are in faith from charity, or in truths of wisdom from the good of love. By "showing" is signified to manifest, and by "servants" are here signified those who are in faith from charity; to them these things are manifested, because they understand and receive them. By servants, in the spiritual sense,...§ion=3 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 21 21. Unto God and his Father signifies thus images of His Divine wisdom, and of His Divine love. By "God and Father," in the spiritual sense, two persons are not meant; but by "God" is meant the Divine as to wisdom, and by "Father" the Divine as to love; for there are two things in the Lord, the Divine wisdom and the Divine love, or the Divine truth and the Divine good...§ion=21 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 31 31. The Almighty, signifies who is, lives, and has power from Himself, and who rules all things from firsts by ultimates. Since all things are from the Lord, and are created from the firsts which are from Him; and nothing is given which does not exist therefrom, as is abundantly shown in the Angelic Wisdom concerning the Divine Love and Wisdom, it follows, that He is omnipotent. Suppose One from w...§ion=31 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 151 151. Verse 28. And I will give him the morning star, signifies intelligence and wisdom then. That by "stars" are signified the knowledges of good and truth, may be seen above (n. 51); and because by them is intelligence and wisdom, therefore these are signified by "the morning star." It is called "the morning star" because intelligence and wisdom will be given them by...§ion=151
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