(AC) - A Disclosure of the Hidden Treasures of Heaven Contained in the Holy Scripture or Word of the Lord, Together with Amazing Things Seen in the World of Spirits and in the Heaven of Angels

AC 10729

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10729. Six days shall work be done. That this signifies the first state of the regeneration of man by the Lord, and in the supreme sense the first state of the glorification of the Lord's Human, is evident from the signification of the "six days" which precede the seventh or Sabbath, and in which work is to be done, as being the first state of the regeneration of man by the Lord, which state is when the man is in truths, and is led by means of truths to good, and is then in combats (see n. 8510, 8888, 9431, 10360. That it also denotes the state of the glorification of the Lord's Human while He was in the world and fought from Divine truth against the hells, and reduced all things there and in the heavens into order, may be seen in n. 10360.) For man has two states while he is being regenerated by the Lord. The former is when he is in truths, and is being led by means of truths to good. The latter is when he is in good, and from good sees and loves truths. In the former state the man is indeed led by the Lord, but by means of what is his own. For to act from truths is to act from those things which are with man; but to act from good is to act from the Lord. From this it is evident that insofar as a man suffers himself to be led by means of good to truths, so far he is led by the Lord and to the Lord.
[2] For there is action and reaction in all things that are conjoined. The agent is good, and the reagent is truth. But truth never reacts from itself; but from good, consequently insofar as truth receives good, so far it reacts; and insofar as it reacts, so far it is conjoined with good. From this it also follows that before a man is being conjoined with the Lord, the Lord impels him to Himself by means of truths; and insofar as the man suffers himself to be brought to Him, so far he is conjoined. For truths Divine are of such a nature that they can be fitted to good, because truths come forth from good. From this the man now has perception, which in itself is a reacting. To suffer one's self to be impelled [agi], or brought to good by means of truths, is to live according to them. These things have been said in order that it may in some measure be known how the case is in regard to the first state of the man who is being regenerated, which is signified by the "six days of labor."


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