10730. And on the seventh day there shall be to you holiness, a Sabbath of Sabbath to Jehovah. That this signifies the second state of the regeneration of man, when he has conjunction with the Lord; and that in the supreme sense it signifies the union of the Lord's Human with the Divine Itself; is evident from the representation of the Sabbath, as being the second state of the regeneration of man, when he is in good, and thus is led by the Lord (see n. 8510, 8890, 8893, 9274); and as being in the supreme sense the union of the Human with the Divine Itself in the Lord (n. 8495, 10367, 10374). For when the Lord was in the world, He first made His Human Divine truth; but when He went out from the world, He made His Human Divine good through a union with the Divine Itself that was in Him. In the supreme sense this is represented by the Sabbath, and therefore it is called "a Sabbath of Sabbath to Jehovah." The Lord does the like with the man whom He is regenerating. He first imbues him with truths, and afterward by means of the truths He conjoins him with good, thus with Himself. This is represented by the Sabbath in the relative sense; for the regeneration of man is an image of the glorification of the Lord; that is, as the Lord glorified His Human, so He regenerates man.
[2] By the "Sabbath" in its proper sense is signified rest and peace, because when the Lord united His Human to the Divine Itself He had peace, for the combats then ceased, and all things in the heavens and in the hells had been reduced into order. And accordingly there was peace not for Him only; but also for the angels in the heavens, and for men on earth, there were peace and salvation.
[3] As these two truths here treated of are the very universals on which all other things of the church depend, therefore the hallowing of the Sabbath, by which these two are signified, is the only thing here set forth. For the universal truth of all is that the Lord united His Human to the Divine Itself, and that from this man has peace and salvation. And it is also a universal truth that man must be conjoined with the Lord, in order that he may have peace and salvation, and this is effected by means of regeneration. For this reason also, among the Israelitish nation the Sabbath was the chief representative and the chief sign of a covenant with Jehovah, that is, of conjunction with the Lord (see n. 10357, 10372); a "covenant" denotes conjunction.