(ML) - Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love

ML 283

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283. XII. THAT THEY ARE FOR THE SAKE OF PRESERVING ORDER IN DOMESTIC AFFAIRS, AND FOR THE SAKE OF MUTUAL AID. Every home where there are children with their tutors and other domestics is a society emulative of a larger society; the latter, moreover, comes into existence from a number of the former, just as what is general exists from its parts. Just as the welfare of the large society depends on order, so also does the welfare of the small society. Therefore, as, in a composite society, it concerns the magistrates to see and provide that order shall exist and be preserved, so with married partners in their particular society. This order, however, is not possible if husband and wife are of dissentient dispositions, for then the counsels and aids of the partners are distraught and divided, as are their dispositions, and the form of the little society is thus rent asunder. Wherefore, for the preservation of order and the providing thereby for themselves and at the same time for their household, or for their household and at the same time for themselves that they do not come to ruin and rush to destruction, necessity demands that the master and mistress be in accord and make a one; and if this cannot be effected because of a difference of minds, then, if it is to be well with them, it is needful and proper that this accord be effected by a representative conjugial friendship. That thereby concordance is imposed in homes because of necessities and hence of utilities is well known.


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