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Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 10 10. II. Who, and of what quality were those who were in "the former heaven," and "the former earth," was described in the small work on The Last Judgment; but because the understanding of what follows depends on the knowledge of who they were and their quality, something shall here be said concerning them. All those who gathered themselves together under heaven, and in various...§ion=10 Continuation on the Last Judgment and the Spiritual World 49 49. The Dutch adhere more firmly than others to the principles of their religion, nor are they drawn away from them; and if they are convinced that one or another of them is not in agreement, still they do not admit it, but turn themselves back, and remain unmoved. Thus they remove themselves from an interior intuition of truth, for they keep their rational under obedience, in spiritual things. Be...§ion=49 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 221 221. Two arcana, which are brought within reach of the understanding by what precedes, may here be revealed. The First Arcanum is that the Word is in its fullness and in its power in the sense of the letter. For there are three senses in the Word, according to the three degrees; the celestial sense, the spiritual sense, and the natural sense. Since these senses are in the Word according to the thr...§ion=221 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 269 269. (4) Such things as have come to be of the love, and consequently of the life, are engendered in offspring. It is known that man is born into evil, and that he derives it by inheritance from parents; though by some it is believed that he inherits it not from his parents, but through parents from Adam; this, however, is an error. He derives it from the father, from whom he has a soul that is cl...§ion=269 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 291 291. This also, among other things, is shown in Part Second:-that the spiritual sun is not the Lord, but is a Proceeding from His Divine Love and His Divine Wisdom. It is called a proceeding, because the sun was brought forth out of Divine Love and Divine Wisdom which are in themselves substance and form, and it is by means of this that the Divine proceeds. But as human reason is such as to be unw...§ion=291 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 134 134. II. NO ONE IS REFORMED BY VISIONS AND BY CONVERSATIONS WITH THE DEAD, BECAUSE THEY COMPEL. Visions are of two kinds, Divine and diabolical. Divine visions are produced by means of representatives in heaven, and diabolical visions by means of magic in hell. There are also fantastic visions, which are the delusions of a distracted mind. Divine visions, which as has been said, are produced by re...§ion=134 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 324 324. Since from these considerations it may also be seen that the Divine Providence is none other than predestination to heaven and cannot be changed into any other, it falls to be shown here in the order set forth that the end of creation is a heaven from the human race. First: Every man is created that he may live for ever. In the treatise THE DIVINE LOVE AND WISDOM, Parts Third and Fifth, it is...§ion=324 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 328 328. These propositions are now to be demonstrated in their order: First: Every religion in process of time declines and is consummated. On this earth there have been several Churches, one after another; as wherever the human race exists there a Church exists; for, as was shown above, heaven which is the end of creation is from the human race; and no one can enter heaven unless he is in...§ion=328 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 36 36. Verse 10. I became in the spirit on the Lord's day, signifies a spiritual state then from Divine influx. "I became in the spirit," signifies the spiritual state in which he was when he was in visions, which state is treated of in what follows. "On the Lord's day," signifies influx then from the Lord; for on that day the Lord is present, because the day is holy. From which i...§ion=36 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 348 348. Verse 4. And I heard the number of them which were sealed, a hundred and forty and four thousand, signifies all who acknowledge the Lord to be the God of heaven and earth, and are in truths of doctrine from the good of love from Him through the Word. That these are signified by "a hundred and forty and four thousand out of the twelve tribes of Israel," is, because "the twelve t...§ion=348 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 503 503. It shall now be said what is signified by "Egypt" in the Word. "Egypt" signifies the natural man in conjunction with the spiritual, and thus the affection of truth and thence science and intelligence; but, in the opposite sense, it signifies the natural man separated from the spiritual, and then the pride of one's own intelligence, and thence insanity in spiritual things....§ion=503 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 535 535. Verse 2. And being with child, she cried, travailing, and pained to bring forth, signifies the nascent doctrine of the New Church, and its difficult reception on account of the resistance by those who are meant by "the dragon." "To be with child" signifies the nascent doctrine, because by "the offspring which was in the womb" (whose birth is treated of in verse 5...§ion=535 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 543 543. Verse 5. And she brought forth a son, a male, signifies the doctrine of the New Church. By "a son," in the Word, is signified the truth of doctrine, and also the understanding, and thence the thought, of truth and good; but by "a daughter" is signified the good of doctrine, as also the will, and thence the affection of truth and good; and by "a son, a male" is si...§ion=543 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 610 610. And his number is six hundred sixty-six, signifies this quality, that all the truth of the Word is falsified by them. By "the number of the beast" is signified the quality of the confirmations of doctrine and faith from the Word with them (n. 608, 609); by "six hundred sixty-six" is signified every truth of good, and as this is said of the Word, it signifies every truth of...§ion=610 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 763 763. Verse 7. As much as she hath glorified herself, and lived luxuriously, so much torment and mourning give her signifies that in the degree of their elation of heart from dominion, and according to their exultation of mind and body from riches, they have after death internal grief from being cast down and derided, and from want and misery. By "as much as she hath glorified herself" is...§ion=763 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 945 945. Verse 8. And I John saw these things and heard them. And when I heard and saw, I fell down to adore before the feet of the angel who showed me these things, signifies that John thought that the angel who was sent to him by the Lord, to keep him in a state of the spirit, was God who revealed these things, when nevertheless it was not so; for the angel only showed what the Lord made manifest. T...§ion=945 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 282 282. XI. THAT THEY ARE FOR THE SAKE OF AMENDMENTS AND FOR THE SAKE OF ACCOMMODATIONS. That the conjugial simulations which are appearances of love and friendship between partners of dissentient dispositions are for the sake of amendment, is because a spiritual man, bound by the matrimonial covenant to one who is natural, has no other intention than amendment of life, and on his part this is brough...§ion=282 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 294 294. The second Memorable Relation: Some days later I again saw the seven wives in a rose garden, but not in the same one as before. It was a magnificent garden, the like of which I had never seen before. It was round, and the roses there formed a curve like that of a rainbow, the outer circle being formed by roses or flowers of a crimson color, the next inner circle by roses of a golde...§ion=294 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 444 444. To the above shall be added the following Memorable Relation: After I had finished my meditations on conjugial love and had commenced the meditations on scortatory love, suddenly two angels stood by me and said, "We perceived and understood what you were previously meditating on, but the things on which you are now meditating are beyond us and we do not perceive them. Lay them...§ion=444 Wisdom's Delight in Marriage Love: Followed by Insanity’s Pleasure in Promiscuous Love 514 514. The lot of these seducers after death is sad, for this seduction is not only impiety but also malignity. After passing through the first period of their life, which is spent in externals, and during which they excel many others in elegant manners and smooth speech, they are brought into the second period which is spent in internals and in which their lust is set free and commences its play. T...§ion=514