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Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 316 316. In the forms of uses of the animal kingdom there is a similar image of creation, in that the animal body, which is the outmost thereof, is formed by a seed deposited in a womb or an ovum, and this body, when mature, brings forth new seed. This progression is similar to the progression of the forms of uses of the vegetable kingdom: seeds are the beginnings; the womb or the ovum is like the gro...§ion=316 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Love and Wisdom 415 415. This conjunction and disjunction of wisdom and love can be seen effigied, as it were, in the conjunction of the lungs with the heart. For the heart can be conjoined to the clustering vesicles of the bronchia by blood sent out from itself, and also by blood sent out not from itself but from the vena cava and the aorta. Thereby the respiration of the body can be separated from the respiration o...§ion=415 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 28 28. I. HEAVEN IS CONJUNCTION WITH THE LORD. Heaven is not heaven from the angels but from the Lord; for the love and wisdom in which the angels are and which constitute heaven, are not from the angels but from the Lord, and are, in fact, the Lord in them. And since love and wisdom are the Lord's and are the Lord in heaven, and since love and wisdom constitute the life of the angels, it is clear th...§ion=28 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 83 83. The reason why no one can come into the kingdom of God unless he has been born again is, that man by inheritance from his parents is born into evils of every kind, with the faculty of becoming spiritual by the removal of these evils; and unless he becomes spiritual he cannot come into heaven. From being natural to become spiritual is to be born again or regenerated. But in order that it may be...§ion=83 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 126 126. When the Lord has implanted a heavenly life's love in place of the infernal one then there are implanted affections of good and truth in place of the lusts of evil and falsity; and in place of the delights of the lusts of evil and falsity there are implanted the delights of the affections of good; and in place of the evils of infernal love there are implanted the goods of heavenly love. Then...§ion=126 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 152 152. Since man has an internal and an external, and both must be reformed in order that the man may be reformed, and since no one can be reformed unless he examines himself sees and acknowledges his evils, and afterwards desists from them, it follows that not only the external but also the internal must be examined. If the external alone is examined, a man sees only what he has actually done, as t...§ion=152 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 206 206. Whence man's own prudence is and what it is. It is from man's proprium which is his nature, and is called his soul from his parent. This proprium is the love of self and the consequent love of the world, or it is the love of the world and the consequent love of self. It is the nature of the love of self to regard self only, and to regard others as insignificant or of no account. If it respect...§ion=206 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 224 224. Who cannot see that the external derives its existence from the internal and consequently has its essence from the internal? And everyone knows from experience that the external can appear otherwise than in accordance with the essence it has from the internal. For there is manifestly such an appearance with hypocrites, flatterers and dissemblers; and that a man can outwardly personate charact...§ion=224 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 287 287. I. THE DIVINE PROVIDENCE, NOT ONLY WITH THE GOOD BUT ALSO WITH THE WICKED, IS UNIVERSAL IN THINGS MOST INDIVIDUAL; AND YET IT IS NOT IN MEN'S EVILS. It was shown above that the Divine Providence is in the most individual things of man's thoughts and affections; and by this is meant that man can think and will nothing from himself, but that everything he thinks and wills, and consequently says...§ion=287 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 289 289. It has frequently been made manifest to me that in hell no one thinks from* himself but he thinks from others around him, nor do these think from themselves, but they also think from others; and thoughts and affections pass in order from one society to another and no one is aware that they do not originate from himself. Some who believed that they thought and willed from themselves were sent...§ion=289 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 291 291. That all good is from heaven and all evil from hell is not unknown in the world: it is known to everyone in the Church. Who in the Church, who has been inaugurated into the priesthood, does not teach that all good originates from God, and that man cannot receive anything from himself which has not been given him from heaven; also that the devil infuses evils into men's thoughts and leads men...§ion=291 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 301 301. The angels of heaven are affections of good and thoughts of truth arising from these because they are recipients of the Divine Love and Divine Wisdom from the Lord; for all affections of good are from the Divine Love, and all thoughts of truth are from the Divine Wisdom. On the other hand, the spirits of hell are lusts of evil and imaginations of falsity thence derived because they are in the...§ion=301 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 305 305. I have heard many newcomers from this world complain that they had not known that their life's destiny would be according to the affections of their love. They said that while in the world they had not given any thought to them, much less to their delights, because they had loved whatever was delightful to them, and had merely believed that everyone's lot would be according to his thoughts fr...§ion=305 Angelic Wisdom about Divine Providence 319 319. Everything confirmed by both the will and the understanding remains to eternity because everyone is his own love, and love belongs to the will; also because every man is his own good or his own evil, for everything is called good, and likewise evil, that belongs to the love. Since a man is his own love he is also the form of his love, and may be called the organ of his life's love. It was sta...§ion=319 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 224 224. To this I will add this Relation. I saw an assembly of spirits, all upon their knees, praying to God to send angels to them, that they might converse with them face to face, and open to them the thoughts of their hearts. And when they arose, there appeared three angels in fine linen, standing before them, and they said, "The Lord Jesus Christ has heard your prayers, and has therefore sen...§ion=224 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 294 294. To the above I will add this Relation. In the natural world the speech of man is twofold, because his thought is twofold, exterior and interior; for a man can speak from interior thought and at the same time from exterior thought, and he can speak from exterior thought and not from interior, yea, contrary to interior thought, whence come dissimulations, flatteries, and hypocrisies. But in the...§ion=294 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 316 316. And hurt not the oil and the wine, signifies that it is provided by the Lord that the holy goods and truths, which lie interiorly concealed in the Word, shall not be violated and profaned. "Oil" signifies the good of love, and "wine" truth from that good, therefore "oil" signifies holy good, and "wine" holy truth; "hurt them not," signifies th...§ion=316 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 405 405. Verse 9. And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea that had souls died, signifies that they who have lived and do live this faith cannot be reformed and receive life. By "the third part" is signified all of them, as above; by "creatures" are meant those who can be reformed (n. 290); the reason is, because "to create" signifies to reform (n. 254)....§ion=405 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 452 452. And out of their mouths issued fire, and smoke, and brimstone, signifies that in their thoughts and discourses, viewed interiorly, there is nothing, and from them there proceeds nothing but the love of self and of the world, which is the proprium of the will, the pride of one's own intelligence, which is the proprium of the understanding, and the lusts of evil and falsity, which is the genera...§ion=452 The Book of the Apocalypse Revealed, Uncovering the Secrets That Were Foretold There and Have Lain Hidden until Now 463 463. To this I will add this Relation. I looked forth to the seacoast in the spiritual world, and saw there a magnificent dock. I drew near, and looked at it; and, behold, there were vessels there great and small, and merchandise in them of every kind; and upon the decks were boys and girls distributing it to those that wished. And they said, "We are waiting to see our beautiful tortoises, wh...§ion=463
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